Kings Park West Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
February 12, 2025
Attendance: Maureen Pettis, Carolyn LaRosa, Sharon Decker, Jim Bovino, Diane Jeffers, and Larry Velte.
Absent: Mark Heppner
The meeting was held on Zoom, and called to order 7:31 p.m.
Approval of January 8, 2025 Meeting Minutes: The minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
January 2025 financials reflect the following:
- CIT Operating Account balance of $19036.41. Changes in the operating account are attributed to $649.16 to Burke Management, $7.30 for postage, and $450.00 for tree service.
- General Fund CDs balance of $5,878.53 and 5773.37.
- Reserve Study CD balance $24979.39.
Old Business:
- Unpaid Assessments: The delinquencies have not shown improvement. Maureen is drafting a letter to send to the serious delinquencies.
- Trees: No new emails.
- Drafting a letter to Robinson High School commending three students on cleaning up brush and debris after a recent ice storm. Furthermore, we will request the Civic Association help with clean up utilizing the Road Raiders.
- Maureen plans to meet with the new owners that have an easement for the Community Association sign.
- Maureen will draft a letter about the fence on 10326 Commonwealth.
- Maureen will draft an article for the Herald on the need for architectural approval.
- Maureen will request help from Burke Management on survey some of the HOA property.
New Business:
- The following resolution was approved unanimously: The Association elects to apply all or part of the excess assessment income to the following year’s assessments and that such final amount shall be at the Board’s discretion.
- Maureen has or will respond to correspondence.
Next meeting is March 12 at 7:30, at Laurel Ridge Elementary School.