
Kings Park West Community Association

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

December 8, 2021

Board Members in Attendance:  Larry Velte, Carolyn LaRosa, Mark Heppner, Jim Bovino, & Diane Jeffers.

Guest Member in Attendance:  Jerry Jeffers.

Meeting called to order:  7:29 pm. 

Approval of November 2021 Meeting Minutes:  Approved as amended.

Treasurer’s Report:  November 2021 financials reflected the following:  one CIT Operating Account with a balance of $19,206.07; two general fund CD's with balances of $5,522.15 and $5,505.19; one Reserve Study CD with a balance of $21,893.13; [Accounts Receivable - $9,499.83; Allowance for Bad Debts - ($3,905.41); Assessments Receivable - $259.90; Interest Receivable - ($258.63); Prepaid Expenses - $301.19]; total other current assets with balances of $5,896.88; bringing the total assets to a balance of $58,023.42.

Maureen and Carolyn visited the bank to add Carolyn to the signature card for the CD’s.  However, the bank informed them that Mark needs to be present to change signature card because Mark is also on the signature card. 

Old Business:

New Business:

Hearing no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:58 pm.