
Kings Park West Community Association

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

May 12, 2021


Board Members in Attendance:  Larry Velte, Maureen Pettis, Mark Heppner, Carolyn LaRosa, & James Bovino.

Meeting called to order:  7:55 p.m.  Meeting held virtually via Zoom video conferencing.

Approval of April 2021 Meeting Minutes:  Approved.

Treasurer’s Report:  April 2021 financials reflected the following:  one CAB Operating Account with a balance of $13,583.85; two general fund CD's with balances of $5,521.87 and $5,504.92; one Reserve Study CD with a balance of $20,892.08; [Accounts Receivable - $6,261.03; Allowance for Bad Debts - ($3,905.41); Assessments Receivable - $259.90; Interest Receivable - ($258.63); Prepaid Expenses - $301.19]; total other current assets with balances of $2,658.08; bringing the total assets to a balance of $48,160.80.

Old Business:

New Business:

Hearing no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m.