
Kings Park West Community Association

 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

 February 12, 2020

Board Members Present: Nancy Grant, Mark Heppner, Maureen Pettis, Carolyn LaRosa, Jim Bovino and Larry Velte.

Management Present: Crystal Terrant and Barbara Turner

Meeting called to order: 7:30pm.

Approval of January 2020 Meeting Minutes: Approval pending changes made via email.

Treasurer’s Report: January 2020 financials reflected the following: one CAB Operating Account with a balance of $16,497.31; two general fund CD’s with balances of $5,472.26 and $5,455.46; one Reserve Study CD with a balance of $19,713.39; [Accounts Receivable - $5,169.93; Allowance for Bad Debts – ($2,282.68); Assessment Receivable - $259.90; Interest Receivable – $1.27; Prepaid Expense - $301.19]; bringing the total assessments to a balance of $50,588.03; Total Other Current Assets with a balance of $3,449.61.

Old Business: 

New Business: 

 Hearing no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:33pm.