Kings Park West Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
February 12, 2020
Board Members Present: Nancy Grant, Mark Heppner, Maureen Pettis, Carolyn LaRosa, Jim Bovino and Larry Velte.
Management Present: Crystal Terrant and Barbara Turner
Meeting called to order: 7:30pm.
Approval of January 2020 Meeting Minutes: Approval pending changes made via email.
Treasurer’s Report: January 2020 financials reflected the following: one CAB Operating Account with a balance of $16,497.31; two general fund CD’s with balances of $5,472.26 and $5,455.46; one Reserve Study CD with a balance of $19,713.39; [Accounts Receivable - $5,169.93; Allowance for Bad Debts – ($2,282.68); Assessment Receivable - $259.90; Interest Receivable – $1.27; Prepaid Expense - $301.19]; bringing the total assessments to a balance of $50,588.03; Total Other Current Assets with a balance of $3,449.61.
Old Business:
- Annual Assessments/Liens – Management has sent monthly invoices for unpaid balances plus delinquent fee. About 44 homes haven’t yet paid this year’s assessment. Eleven properties currently have liens on their properties due to unpaid annual assessments. Crystal is filing the liens online. Larry will send all liens and lien releases to Crystal. Maureen moved to have Bob Segan, the Association’s lawyer, send letters to the residents with liens on their property for payment. Jim Seconded. The motion carried. The Board gave Crystal permission to write off the unpaid assessments of three previous owners.
- 10320 Collingham Dr. – There has been some progress made on the building material that is stored on the property.
- Tree Inquiry – There was a complaint about a tree on Heversham Ct. Board verified that it was on the resident’s property, not on HOA common land.
New Business:
- Reserve Study – Reserve Study will be done in 2020.
- Annual Meeting – Nancy has begun the steps for the May 20th Annual Membership Meeting. Maureen moved to used Allegra Printing for the 2020 Annual Meeting notices. Jim Seconded. The motion carried.
- Tree Work – Nancy expressed concern for tree cutting done behind her house. Fairfax County sent a letter explaining that under a County contract, RTEC TreeCare, a private company, is clearing vegetation in stormwater sewer easements.
- Website Domain – Larry paid the annual domain renewal charges and will be reimbursed. He will get with Crystal to change billing address and give her credentials to pay for future years.
Hearing no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:33pm.