Kings Park West Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
October 9, 2019
Board Members in Attendance: Anthony Consumano, Nancy Grant, Mark Heppner, Larry Velte, Carolyn Larosa.
Meeting called to order: 7:30 p.m.
Approval of September 2019 Meeting Minutes: Approved 5-0.
Treasurer’s Report: September 2019 financials reflected the following: one CAB Operating Account with a balance of $21,436.86; one Cash in Transit account with a balance of $1,000.00; two general fund CD's with balances of $5417.81 and $5,401.18; one Reserve Study CD with a balance of $17,537.15; Total Other Current Assets with balances of $7,816.45; [Accounts Receivable - $9536.77; Allowance for Bad Debts - ($2,282.68); Assessments Receivable - $259.90; Interest Receivable - $1.27; Prepaid Expenses - $301.19]; bringing the total assets to a balance of $58,609.45. Treasurer will move $1,000.00 from Cash in Transit account and $1,000.00 from CAB Operating Account to the Reserve Study CD on October 12, 2019.
Old Business:
- Annual Assessments/Liens – Fourteen properties have liens due to unpaid annual assessments owed to KPWCA.
- NVTC – KPWCA will continue to engage with Supervisor John Cook's office concerning the need for stormwater management improvements necessitated by upstream development of the Northern Virginia Training Center site and a housing community in the area northeast of Braddock Road and Roberts Road.
- Eagle Scout Project – Completed
- Sightlines at Commonwealth and Twinbrook – KPWCA member expressed concern about tree foliage and landscaping at intersection interfering with visibility of traffic signals. Commonwealth Blvd. and its center strip, which contains several large trees, belongs to and is the responsibility of VDOT. Board will review the issue, but has not authority because the property is owned by VDOT.
New Business:
- Wall at 10320 Collingham Drive – Owner submitted a plat with where the wall will be and said it did not require approval by Fairfax County because it is 4 feet or less. The home owner provided a sketch of the project for the board’s awareness. The construction had already started when they submitted the plat. No neighbors have complained at this time.
- Parking on Catterick Court - People complained about students parking on the street making it a one way street. HOA has no authority to regulate on-street parking, which is the responsibility of the FCPD and VDOT.
- Tree Removal - Get another estimate with Seasons Tree Service for 5218 Ashcroft Court and for the other tree issue we decided to that the tree which fell on the deck at 4711 Heversham Ct. is the responsibility of the owner’s insurance as they did not call in beforehand that the tree was a risk.
Hearing no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:44 p.m.