Kings Park West Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
August 8, 2018
Board Members in Attendance: Nancy Grant, Larry Velte, Maureen Pettis, Mark Heppner, Jim Bovino, Jillian Mueller and Carolyn LaRosa.
Meeting called to order: 7:30 p.m.
Approval of July 2018 Meeting Minutes: Approved 6-0.
Treasurer’s Report: July 2018 financials reflected the following: one CAB Operating Account with a balance of $10,618.81; two general fund CD's with balances of $5,344.24 and $5,327.83; one Reserve Study CD with a balance of $17,299.10; Other Current Assets with balances of $3,304.44 (Accounts Receivable - $4,068.86; Allowance for Bad Debts - ($1,066.88); Interest Receivable - $1.27; Prepaid Expenses - $301.19); bringing the total assets to a balance of $41,894.42.
Old Business:
- Annual Assessments/Liens – Ten properties still have liens due to unpaid annual assessments owed to KPWCA. Board sent letter to eighty-eight people who had not paid 2017-2018 assessment, informing them a lien will be filed on their property if assessment is not paid by August 3, 2018. Fifty-two people sent in their assessments. One homeowner who had two liens paid assessments and Board will release those liens. Board will file liens on remaining unpaid assessments no later than September 1, 2018. Board waived the late fee for eight homeowners who owed less than one dollar.
- Tree Removal – Board approved motion for JL Tree Service to take down previously marked trees on Nottinghill Lane and Commonwealth Boulevard. Board will also seek a quote for an additional hazardous tree also on Nottinghill Lane.
- NVTC – The Association will continue to engage with Supervisor John Cook's office concerning the need for stormwater management improvements necessitated by upstream development of the Northern Virginia Training Center site and the potential development of a housing community in the area northeast of Braddock Road and Roberts Road.
- Letter to Homeowners – Board sent an information sheet covering several topics to all members as part of the annual assessment invoices.
- Zoning – Supervisor Cook will soon host a public hearing on zoning for AirBnB properties.
New Business:
- Landscaping – Board will request quote from landscapers to do maintenance and beautification on the HOA easements at Commonwealth Boulevard and Sideburn Rd.
- Correspondence – Board responded to member inquiries regarding Burke Community Management webpage updates.
Hearing no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:27 p.m.