Kings Park West Community Association

Annual Meeting Minutes

May 23, 2018

Board Members in Attendance:  Nancy Grant, Larry Velte, Maureen Pettis, Mark Heppner, Jim Bovino, Jillian Mueller, and Carolyn LaRosa.

Burke Community Management Representative:  Ms. Joyce Mullins.

Meeting called to order:  7:30 p.m. 

Establish that quorum is present:  Sixty-nine persons were present (7 board members, 4 KPWCA members, and fifty-eight proxies).

Report on the State of the Community Association:

  • Membership status (Nancy):  Membership was informed there are 580 single-family homes in the community association.
  • Tree/Streambed erosion issues (Larry):  Membership was informed about challenges with trees on common property and efforts to work with Fairfax County authorities to address streambed erosion and stormwater management.
  • HOA protocol/covenants (Maureen/Larry):  Membership was reminded to follow KPWCA guidance concerning construction, particularly fences, before starting their projects.
  • Liens (Larry):  Membership was informed that there are ten properties with liens due to unpaid annual assessments.
  • Absentee Homeowners (Nancy):  Membership was reminded that the address of the homeowner must be on file with the KPWCA board.

Treasurer’s Report/Proposed Budget for 2018-2019:  Treasurer provided an overview for the membership and explained the annual assessment will remain at $40/property for the next year. 

Election of Board Members:  Mr. Jim Bovino and Ms. Maureen Pettis were re-elected to the board to serve another 3-year term.

Board Meetings Announcement:  Membership was reminded the monthly meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month; the next meeting will be on June 13, 2018.

Open Discussion:

  • Question:  How does HOA determine common land? 

            Answer:  Plats of lot will identify common land.

  • Question:  Could someone not pay the annual assessment because they thought they had already paid or were confused with the civic assocation dues?

            Answer:  Possibly.  Homeowners should have received a disclosure packet at sale of property.  HOA tried before to             change its name to something distinctive but was not allowed to.

  • Question:  Who should homeowners contact when they see a P.O.D.S. on a driveway for several months?

            Answer:  Call the county for any county specific violations, to include overgrown lawns. It is more effective for the               homeowners to call the county rather than board members calling the county.

  • Question:  What is the KPWCA website?

            Answer:  The email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Meeting adjourned:  Hearing no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

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