Kings Park West Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
April 5, 2017
Board Members in Attendance: Nancy Grant, Maureen Pettis, Mark Heppner, and Jim Bovino.
Meeting called to order: 7:33 p.m.
Approval of March 2017 Meeting Minutes: Approved by acclamation.
Treasurer’s Report: March 2017 financials reflected the following: one CAB Operating Account with a balance of $17,773.24; two general fund CD's with balances of $5,362.36 and $5,345.89; one Reserve Study CD with a balance of $19,121.27; Other Current Assets with balances of $2,736.05 (Accounts Receivable - $3,500.47; Allowance for Bad Debts - ($1,066.88); Interest Receivable - $1.27; Prepaid Expenses - $301.19); bringing the total assets to a balance of $50,338.81.
Old Business:
· Annual Assessments – Fourteen properties still have liens due to unpaid annual assessments due to KPWCA.
· Streambed Erosion – Board contacted office of Fairfax County Braddock District Supervisor to express concern about streambed erosion that may result in some trees falling around Shane's Creek and onto adjacent properties.
· Collingham Drive/Roberts Parkway Trees – Board will contact JL Tree Service to take down two hazardous trees along Roberts Road and Heversham Court, and other hazardous trees identified during annual tree survey conducted on March 25, 2017.
New Business:
Hearing no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:27 p.m.