Kings Park West Community Association
Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
June 10, 2015
Members in Attendance: Larry Velte, Mark Heppner, Linda Fournier, Maureen Pettis,
Jillian Mueller, Jim Bovino, Suzanne Cerney, and two homeowner members
called to order:
7:35 p.m.
of May Meeting Minutes: Approved 6–0
Report: Checking
account balance is $16,869.42; accounts receivable balance is $1,633.56; two general
fund CD’s in the amount of $5,337.71 and $5,334.32; and reserve study CD is $17,582.13,
bringing the total to: $46,757.14.
- Liens
– The
HOA currently has 5 outstanding liens on four separate properties for the nonpayment
of annual assessments.
- New
Liens –
There are 16 homeowners who still owe their annual assessment. One final
notice will be sent, and if payment is not received shortly thereafter,
the Board will place liens on these properties.
- Streambed
– No updates.
- Encroachment
Letters –
Letters are in process and expected to be mailed in the next few weeks.
- Annual
Meeting Minutes –
Approved, as amended, 7-0.
- Adoption
of 2015-2016 Budget – Approved 7-0.
- Election
of Board Members – A motion was made to keep Board Officers the same,
and it was seconded and approved 7-0.
- Architectural
Control Issue –
Two homeowners failed to comply with Community Association requirements
for building an addition to one home and installing a fence for another.
The Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions require approval by the HOA Architectural
Control Committee, prior to construction, and the Covenants are mandatory
under the Virginia Property Owners Association Act, Title 55 of the Code
of Virginia. The Board voted 7-0 to send letters to the homeowners
advising one that their addition was unapproved and the other that their
fence was explicitly disapproved, with copies to our management company.
In the event they sell or refinance their properties, this may have future
consequences on their individual property, as the required HOA disclosure
packets will reflect the unapproved addition or the disapproved fence.
- Complaints – The Board
received several complaints concerning issues with the HOA disapproved
fence, one that it was higher than allowed by Fairfax County and the other
that it blocked the vision of neighbors backing out from their driveways.
The Board recommended that all complaints be made to Fairfax County Zoning
at (703) 324-1300, ask for the Inspector of the Day.
no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.