Kings Park West Community Association

Annual Membership Meeting

May 11, 2015



President Larry Velte called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


A quorum of the membership was present, with 18 members in attendance, including the Board, and 87 represented by proxy for a total of 105.  Fifty-eight (58) are required for a quorum.  


Larry Velte introduced the Board: Larry Velte, President; Mark Heppner, Vice President; Linda Fournier, Secretary; Maureen Pettis, Treasurer; Jillian Mueller, at-large; Jim Bovino, at-large; and Suzanne Cerney, at-large.  He also introduced Crystal Terrant, a representative of our management company, Burke Community Management Group.


Treasurer’s Report:  Maureen reviewed the proposed budget that was included in the mailing announcing the annual meeting.  As of April 30, grand total between the operating account, checking, savings and reserve CD accounts totals $48,544.65.  The Board decided to keep the annual assessment at $40, based on last year’s budget and projections for the fiscal year.  The Board will vote on the final budget at the next meeting, June 10.


Purpose of the Community Association:  Larry gave a short synopsis of the purpose of the Community Association and that it exists to manage about 43 acres of undeveloped common land owned by the Association.  This property includes entrance signs located on Tapestry and at both ends of Commonwealth.  The Association maintains this property for not only betterment of the 580 homes that are members of the Association but for all Kings Park West homes. 


Trees:  Larry explained the challenges with trees that exist on the Association’s common property, and said that the Board did a tree survey in April 2015 to identify any trees that needed to be taken down to prevent them falling on and possibly damaging homes.  They identified seven trees, got three quotes, and found it will cost about $3,000 to cut down the trees.


Streambed Erosion:  The Board was contacted by a homeowner concerning erosion to the streambed located behind his home.  Larry has been communicating with the Fairfax County Stormwater Management Office.  They told him that they will look at the erosion within the next couple of months.


Encroachment on Common Property:  During the tree survey, the Board identified several homeowners who encroached on the common property with a fence, shed, trampoline, swing set, etc.  Any swing sets and trampolines must be removed from the common property immediately, due to liability concerns.  Fences and sheds that predate the Community Association must be removed and/or relocated within the homeowner’s property when the property is sold.  Any future structures must first be approved by the Community Association’s Architectural Committee, prior to the initiation of any construction.


Liens:  The Board must file liens against any properties for non-payment of annual assessments.  On average, homeowner associations have a lien rate of 5-10%, whereas ours is less than 1%.  We currently have seven liens on five properties.


Audit:  The Board received the results of the Community Association’s annual audit, and the audit group documented that there were no significant findings.


Question from Audience:  An attendee asked if the trees cut down on the common property were cut up, and Larry said that the Board only had the contractor cut up the trees if they fell on a streambed or path.  They are otherwise just dropped on the common property. 


Election of Board Members:  A third of the Board is elected every year.  This year, there were two open positions, Maureen and Jim.  Both Maureen and Jim agree to remain with the Board.  The bylaws require a nominating committee to produce a slate but that doesn’t preclude floor nominations.  Since there were no nominations from the floor, a motion was made to re-elect Maureen and Jim by acclamation; it was seconded; and unanimously approved.


Board members will elect Association Officers at the next meeting.


The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.