Kings Park West Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
February 11, 2015
In attendance: Larry Velte, Mark Heppner, Linda Fournier, Suzanne Cerney, & Maureen Pettis
Meeting called to order: 7:30 p.m.
Approval of January Meeting Minutes: Approved 5–0, with edits.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking account balance is $24,862.70; accounts receivable balance is $1,860.70; two general fund CD’s in the amount of $5,337.71 and $5,334.32; and reserve study CD is $17,582.13, bringing the total to: $54,977.56.
Old Business: In reference to a homeowner reporting that a stream located on common land behind his property was causing erosion, the Fairfax County office responsible for storm water planning told a Board member that the stream restoration project for that particular stream did not make the county budget this fiscal year. He said that the tributary which affects the member’s property will be evaluated, but if it made the list, it would be months before any work was done. The Board member will follow up with the County and update the Board in our March meeting.
The Board will conduct their annual tree survey sometime in March 2015.
New Business:
Communication from Member: A homeowner contacted the Board about unkempt properties, inquired about Fairfax County zoning and HOA convents, and contacted Fairfax County to report the property. Therefore, there was no action required by the Board
Hearing no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.