Kings Park West Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
August 13, 2014
In attendance: Larry Velte, Maureen Pettis, Mark Heppner, Linda Fournier, Suzanne Cerney, and Jim Bovino.
Meeting called to order at 7:35 p.m.
Approval of July Meeting Minutes: The July minutes were reviewed; Mark motioned to approve; and Suzanne seconded. Approved 6 - 0.
Treasurer’s Report: The current checking account balance is $15,008.80; the accounts receivable balance is $650.03; there are 2 general fund CD’s in the amount of $5,312.37 each, and the reserve study CD is $15,513.02, bringing the grand total to: $41,796.59.
We filed liens against 7 homeowners, and we will release 1 lien, due to the homeowner making a late payment on their account.
Old Business:
A homeowner complained about a neighbor on Ridge Court who did not cut their grass. A letter was sent to the absentee owner, who then cut the grass and cleaned up the property. Therefore, there was no need for the HOA to report the matter to Fairfax County.
New Business:
A tree from the common land fell on a Collingham Drive house, causing damage, and another tree near the downed tree appeared to also be damaged and a possible threat the homeowner’s property. JL Tree Service provided us an estimate, and we authorized them to remove the damaged tree.
We received a complaint of tree limbs hanging over sidewalks at the intersections of Tapestry Drive and Braddock Road, as well as Tapestry Drive and Roberts Road. We will cut down the hanging limbs at Tapestry Drive and Braddock Road, as that is HOA property; however, the property at the intersection of Tapestry Drive and Roberts Road is not KPWCA property.
Communications from Members:
A homeowner reported that the exposed sewer pipe over the creek located in HOA common land, which was previously reported to Fairfax County, is still exposed. The HOA will follow up with the County on this matter.
A homeowner complained about a vacant house at 4766 Tapestry Drive that had trash piled along the sidewalk for more than a week; the County posted two warning notices on the front door of the house about the trash; and since they still have not cleaned it up, we mailed a letter to the homeowner instructing them to comply with Fairfax County code, as well as Community Association covenants and remove the trash.
Hearing no further business, Maureen motioned to adjourn; Jim seconded; and the meeting ended at 8:15 p.m.