Kings Park West Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
February 19, 2014
In attendance: Joe Meyer, Maureen Pettis, Mark Heppner, Linda Bufano, Linda Fournier, Virginia Scattergood
Meeting called to order at 7:42 p.m.
Approval of January Meeting Minutes: The January minutes were reviewed and approved electronically.
Treasurer’s Report: The board was informed that the current checking account balance as of January 31, 2014 is $14,980.71; the savings account is at $2,012.84; there are 2 general fund CD’s in the amount of $5,312.37 each, and the reserve CD is $15,513.02 bringing the BB&T grand total to: $45,653.11.
Maureen met with Derenda. The bank accounts balanced and everything from RCS transferred properly. A total of 4,666.18 transferred from the CAB accounts Rod held to the ones we have through Derenda.
26 homeowners still owe dues for this year; sever more owe for prior years. Linda F. moved that accounts with a balance under sixty cents ($.60) be waived; Mark seconded; approved 6-0.
The Post Office Box bill is coming due; Maureen will send to Derenda to pay. The insurance was also paid from our accounts.
Based on conversations with Derenda, Mark recommends closing the BB&T checking and savings accounts, and putting it all into the CAB accounts. The board discussed; Linda F. motioned to close the BB&T accounts and transfer to CAB; Mark seconded; Approved 6-0.
The decision on moving CD’s can be decided when they are due for renewal.
Fence: Joe received the signature card that the check was delivered and Maureen reports that the check was cashed.
Shed: A homeowner has installed a new shed on their property, and it appears to have violated County code. It will be reported to the County.
Childcare center: A homeowner raised concerns over a proposed rezoning for a childcare area in the neighborhood. After discussion it was agreed that Joe will send a letter to the homeowner and zoning commission letting them know that a rezoning would violate the Association’s covenants. Maureen motioned to approve; Linda seconded; Approved 6-0.
Annual Meeting: The annual meeting is set for May 28th. Joe is up for re-election but will not run again; the annual meeting minutes will be reviewed to see who else is up.
Hearing no new business Linda B. motioned to adjourn; Joe seconded. Concluded at 8:31p.m.