Kings Park West Community Association

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

December 11, 2013


In attendance: Joe Meyer, Maureen Pettis, Mark Heppner, Linda Bufano, Larry Velte, Linda Fournier, Virginia Scattergood


Meeting called to order at 7:35 p.m.


Approval of November Meeting Minutes: The November minutes were reviewed and edited.  Joe motioned to approve as revised; Linda F. Seconded; approved 7-0.


Treasurer’s Report: The board was informed that the current checking account balance as of December 10, 2013 is $17,054.88; the savings account is at $1,812.74; there are 2 general fund CD’s in the amount of $5,312.37 each, and the reserve CD is $15,513.02 bringing the BB&T grand total to: $39,693.01.


Maureen reviewed the account activity and everything is in order except the outstanding money for one HOA packet, but the house has not sold yet.  She noted that the money for two packets in June has not showed, and both homes have sold.  Maureen will ask Derenda to investigate; Joe will review information from Rod.


Maureen will review the account to ensure there is a new password and find out where statements are being sent; Maureen and Derenda have not received any. The Board discussed changing banks, including how that would affect automated deductions.  Maureen and Mark will meet with Derenda to discuss.


No lien updates. Derenda will send the second notice of assessment to those who owed and an update of account to those who have paid.  No CAB statement was available for the meeting so it’s unclear if more payments came in.


There are 23 accounts that owe 20 cents or less. Linda B. motioned to waive this amount on all accounts; Mark seconded. Approved 7-0.


Bridge/Path issue: No further updates.  


Fence:  The fence has been replaced; Armand reviewed. Linda F. will draft the letter to the homeowner to accompany the check for payment that will permanently resolve the issue.


Tree on Nottinghill:  A tree from common property fell on a homeowner’s property, there was no damage. This tree may have taken down another tree in the process.  The tree survey in the spring showed the tree was rotted, but the HOA chose not to take action at the time. Although under Virginia law the HOA is not liable for removal, Larry moved to spend up to $250 towards 50% of the clean up once an invoice is sent from the homeowner and work is done.  Joe seconded. The motion was made because the Board had previously recognized the tree as a potential problem.  Approved 5-2.


Another homeowner contacted Derenda about a tree, and she will respond based on Virginia law.

Linda B. reported on a letter from Dominion Virginia, indicating that they will be replacing cable under Carriagepark Road. That is part of the Townhome Association.


Bill Dempsey reported excessive noise from a neighbor clear cutting their yard on Thanksgiving, which affected him with noise and brush. Larry assisted.


Hearing no new business Linda B. motioned to adjourn; Linda F. seconded. Concluded at 8:35p.m.