Kings Park West Community Association

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

June 12, 2013


In attendance: Joe Meyer, Maureen Pettis, Virginia Scattergood, Linda Fournier, Mark Heppner, Larry Velte, Linda Bufano


Meeting called to order at 7:30.


Approval of May Meeting Minutes: The May meeting minutes were reviewed. Linda B. motioned to approve, Linda F. seconded.  Approved 7-0.


Approval of Annual Meeting Minutes: The annual meeting minutes will be reviewed electronically.


Treasurer’s Report: The board was informed that the current checking account balance as of May 31, 2013 is $3,160.16; the savings account is at $7,712.15; there are 2 general fund CD’s in the amount of $5,285.59 each, and the reserve CD is $13,461.67 bringing the grand total to: $34,905.16


Mark received the refund from the printers.


Assessment: As of June 12, 10 homeowners have not paid their 2012 assessment.  Lien filing will need to be done by the end of July. Larry will take the lead on preparing and look into the new online process.


Trash: The homeowner on Commonwealth has been notified by the county that they have 30 days to remove the trash.


Budget: The 2013-2014 budget was reviewed with a proposed $40 assessment. Maureen motioned to approve; Larry seconded. Approved 7-0.


Encroachments: Armand will check on trampoline removals. One has been moved, one has to be checked on. Quotes for removal of the bridge over the stream on common land are still being worked.


Heversham Pathway/Bridge: Tiffany Johnson, a homeowner, came to the meeting to discuss a bridge and pathway between Heversham and Catterick. Her son wanted to use the pathway to visit his best friend on the other side, rather than the established sidewalks within the neighborhood. The pathway appeared to have, at one time, been a gravel path on either side of the creek but there is currently no bridge to cross over the creek. Ms. Johnson asked the KPWCA to re-establish the gravel paths and build a bridge so that her son could take a shorter route.


Members of the Board said it could not take on that responsibility for a variety of reasons, including insurance, zoning, and building code problems. The area referenced is a resource protection area, so the county would need to be involved, and any bridge would need to meet current code- if it’s not up to code and an accident occurred, the KPWCA insurance would cover the claim but then drop our coverage since this is all on common land. The by-laws and covenants require that any building benefit the entire community; and may require a vote of the membership in order to spend the money, estimated to be upwards of $5,000. However if the surrounding families built it with their own money, and it met all of the regulatory requirements (resource protection, ADA, county regulations) then this would prevent any insurance issues and the Board would not object.


Ms. Johnson was given information for the county to discuss what it would take, and she indicated she would stay in touch on this issue.


Trees: A homeowner reported trees on common land growing into their property. Members of the board will visit the homeowner to discuss and review the area on question.


A large tree at the Twinbrook entrance fell down. The tree is on common property. Joe took pictures, and will call for quotes to review and approve electronically for quick removal.


Executive Session: The Board held an executive session to discuss other matters.


Election of Officers: After discussion, the following slate of officers for 2013-2014 was proposed:

            President: Joe Meyer

            Vice President: Linda Fournier

            Treasurer: Maureen Pettis

            Secretary: Virginia Scattergood

            Assistant Treasurer: Mark Heppner


Larry motioned to approve; Linda B. seconded.  Approved 7-0.


Hearing no new business Linda B. motioned to adjourn; Larry seconded. Concluded at 8:27pm.