Kings Park West Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
April 10, 2013
In attendance: Joe Meyer, Maureen Pettis, Mark Heppner, Linda Bufano, Virginia Scattergood, Armand Fournier, Larry Velte
Meeting called to order at 7:29.
Approval of March Meeting Minutes: The March meeting minutes were reviewed. Joe motioned to approve, Armand seconded. Approved 7-0.
Treasurer’s Report: The board was informed that the current checking account balance as of March 31, 2013 is $11,112.25; the savings account is at $7,511.76; there are 2 general fund CD’s in the amount of $5,285.59 each, and the reserve CD is $13,461.67 bringing the grand total to: $42,656.86
Armand noticed a minor error in the financials that he brought to Rod’s attention, which will be fixed for next month’s meeting. Mark will defer moving the $1,000 for reserve study to the reserve CD until it has matured.
Assessment: As of April 10, 17 homeowners have not paid their 2012 assessment. Armand will prepare the final notice letters, and will ask RCS for the statement of account. These notices will be sent via certified mail.
Armand verified names of the homeowners, and Rod sent letters to new addresses found by the Board.
Budget: Mark made changes and sent out the revised budget. Larry moved to provide the draft budget to the membership with the annual meeting letter; Linda seconded; approved 7-0. This draft budget will be for membership informational use only.
Annual Meeting: The Herald notice is out; postcards have been sent; letters are ready with proxy information and draft budget. Armand has materials, Larry will reconfirm the room, and Joe will handle the signage.
Website: Joe heard from our web master and will set a time for him and Linda to learn how to update the site.
Tree Survey: All three quotes are in, with J&L being the lowest bid. Quotes ranged from $4,200-$4,900 depending on the Allenby tree. A homeowner asked for it to be taken down or trimmed. Armand will send the plat to J&L to reconfirm the price because dropping the tree on our land will be tricky given how the property lines are defined. Linda motioned to give Armand the authority to approve up to $6,000 for tree removal; Joe seconded; Approved 7-0.
A tree on Heversham was mentioned by a homeowner but Armand reviewed and determined it is not an issue.
Encroachments: Armand prepared letters and sent to the Board for review. Armand spoke with our insurance company to discuss some of the encroachments and our potential liability; the only concern the insurance company had was trampolines on HOA property.
One home on Bessmer has recently been purchased- homeowner erected a new fence 5-10 feet onto common property.
Two homes on Wheatstone have encroachments but are not part of the HOA.
All Board members signed the encroachment letters for mailing, Armand will send them out.
Hearing no new business, Linda motioned to adjourn; Joe seconded. Concluded at 8:17 p.m.