Kings Park West Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
January 9, 2013
In attendance: Joe Meyer, Maureen Pettis, Mark Heppner, Linda Bufano, Virginia Scattergood, Armand Fournier
Meeting called to order at 7:34.
Approval of December Meeting Minutes: The December meeting minutes were reviewed and revised. Maureen motioned to approve, Linda seconded. Approved 6-0.
Treasurer’s Report: The board was informed that the current checking account balance as of December 31, 2012 is $13,606.88; the savings account is at $7,211.12; there are 2 general fund CD’s in the amount of $5,285.59 each, and the reserve CD is $13,461.67 bringing the grand total to: $44,850.95
Armand had asked Rod to adjust the budget to reflect bills paid in December, so it doesn’t appear as if money was lost. The revisions were made prior to the meeting. It was noted in the “Advance Payment Summary” that there is an entry for $200 that is for a 5-year prepaid assessment. The Post Office bill will be due in February.
Assessment: As of December 31, 23 homeowners have not paid their 2012 assessment. The Board will continue to call and contact homeowners to remind them of payment owed. Linda researched changed addresses, which will be forwarded to RCS so Rod can send a separate letter to the correct address.
Advance Payments: Some accounts have advance payments of less than $5.00. This is due in part to late fee payments, which may have later been waived, or others who paid an amount other than what was owed that particular year. With the fluctuation in dues, there may have been some confusion. Right now approximately $620 in the account is attributed to advance payments. Rod has not been crediting homeowner’s accounts; the Board will check with him on this and assure that he is crediting them in the future.
Goldklang & Associates in their most recent audit report suggested that the Board address minor “prepaid” amounts, and consider transferring the minor amounts to avoid accounting issues. Armand motioned to transfer the monies shown in the Advance Payment Summary that are less than $5.00 to the operating account. Mark seconded. Approved 5-1.
Website update: The renewal fee was paid. The Civic Association uses a volunteer for web site maintenance. Linda found a potential volunteer; Joe will ask Greg to show Board members how to update the web site.
2012 Audit and Taxes: Armand drafted a response to Goldklang & Associates, which the Board reviewed and agreed was okay to send. Armand will sign and return the audit representation form to RCS so the audit can be finalized. The 2011 taxes for the fiscal year period June 1, 2011 to May 31, 2012 have been filed.
Fence: Still no word back from Heversham homeowner regarding the Board’s communication regarding relocation of the fence.
Braddock District Council: Armand received a letter asking if we wanted to join the council. Currently the Kings Park West Civic Association represents the Community Association to the Council.
Hearing no new business, Linda motioned to adjourn; Mark seconded. Concluded at 8:11 p.m.