Kings Park West Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
June 13, 2012
In attendance: Joe Meyer, Armand Fournier, Mark Heppner, Linda Bufano, Virginia Scattergood, Larry Velte
Meeting called to order at 7:36.
Approval of May Meeting Minutes: Armand moved to approve the May minutes, Joe seconded. Approved 4-0.
Annual Meeting Minutes: Approval postponed pending review.
Treasurer’s Report: The board was informed that the current checking account balance as of May 31, 2012 is $2,014.01; the savings account is at $8,508.64; there are 2 general fund CD’s in the amount of $5,233.18 each, and the reserve CD is $13,434.77 bringing the grand total to: $34,423.78.
A tree bill for $850 has not been paid by RCS at the time of the meeting.
Annual Budget: The Board reviewed the proposed annual budget, which includes an annual assessment of $40 per household. Larry motioned to approve; Armand seconded. Approved 5-0. Mark will send the budget to Rod for collection of annual dues.
Encroachment & Adverse Possession: Encroachment letters will be sent to the Board for review. One property is pending a review of a plat to determine if an encroachment still exists.
Letter to Supervisor Cook regarding Robinson lights: Member’s concerns from the annual meeting have been expressed to Supervisor Cook’s office; a reply is pending.
Election of Officers: After discussion, the proposed slate for 2012-2013 officers is: President- Armand Fournier; Vice President- Joe Meyer; Treasurer- Mark Heppner; Vice Treasurer- Maureen Pettis; Secretary- Virginia Scattergood. Larry motioned to approve the slate; Linda seconded. Approved 6-0.
Signatories on the bank account will be changed to remove Jim Messinger, and keep Mark and Armand.
Armand will send the paperwork on the corporate officers in with the required check to the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Robinson Room Reservation: Larry will reserve the same room for the upcoming year’s meetings, to be held the second Wednesday of each month.
Hearing no new business, Linda motioned to adjourn; Joe seconded. Concluded at 8:24 p.m.