Kings Park West Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
March 14, 2011
In attendance: Joe Meyer, Armand Fournier, Jim Messinger, Virginia Scattergood, Mark Heppner, Linda Bufano, Larry Velte.
Meeting called to order at 7:30.
Approval of February Meeting Minutes: The February minutes were reviewed; Armand motioned to approve, Virginia seconded; approved 7-0.
Treasurer’s Report: The board was informed that the current checking account balance as of February 29, 2012 is $3,570.44; the savings account is at $13,305.81; there are 2 general fund CD’s in the amount of $5,233.18 each, and the reserve CD is $13,434,77 bringing the grand total to: $40,777.38.
Goldklang/Audit: Received the audit back- no items to respond to; there were two issues noticed where Goldklang was in error, we have informed them of the misinterpretation and mistake made. The revised audit will be sent around once this is corrected.
RCS Performance: The RCS contract is up in May. The Board will discuss contract renewal at the April 11 meeting.
English Ivy Removal: Resident Greg Sykes removed English ivy from the common land, and the Board noted its appreciation. While Greg was out there he noticed a structure/ground disturbance on common land. Armand and members of the Board will look at it.
Robinson Field Improvement Project: Tom Lizardo, a Coach at Robinson, came to the Board meeting to discuss the plan for upgrades to the Robinson practice and football field. Letters were sent and a meeting was held with surrounding homeowners to discuss the improvements which include artificial turf installation on both the practice and regular field, along with new lighting on the practice field. The regular field is scheduled for lighting upgrades next year, but they are also trying to have that done concurrently with the other upgrades this summer.
The Board asked questions, including whether this was a request for financial support, which it is not. Increased use was mentioned, and Tom indicated that additional teams won’t be approved for use, but not everyone who is approved uses the fields now and they may once the lighting and turf is installed. The fields do not “close” until 11pm, and questions were asked about lighting, and residential parking. Tom said he would be happy to bring in a lighting expert but that the new lights would actually be more filtered than the current system and homeowners should see an overall decrease in lighting.
Tom went through the process they are going through and asked the Board for a letter of support for the project; if support wasn’t an option then at least a letter of non opposition. They needed the letter as soon as possible; an answer could not wait until the May annual meeting.
The Board discussed and agreed that this issue needs to be addressed before the
membership at the annual meeting before a support letter could be given. Armand
motioned to approve an interim “non opposition” letter from the board until a
fuller discussion was had at the May 12 annual meeting. Linda seconded;
Approved 7-0. Virginia will draft the letter.
Proposed 2013 Budget: Mark reviewed the budget history and currently proposed budget with a $40 annual assessment. Larry will send out the letter to homeowners which includes the draft budget.
Annual Meeting: Larry, as nominating committee, is working on finding candidates. Larry reviewed the mailing procedure and how to handle vacancies. Linda will receive proxies.
Encroachment Issues: The Board reviewed Armand's memo on encroachment and discussed how to handle the current case with the fence encroachment on Allenby Drive. The Board unanimously approved a motion to write a letter and pursue injunctive relief if the encroachment is not rectified before the sale.
10317 Commonwealth has been found to have a fence encroachment issues. Larry will send around a previously approved letter for review that could be sent to the homeowner putting them on notice about the encroachment issue.
Hearing no new business, Virginia motioned to adjourn; Jim seconded. Concluded at 9:10 pm.