Kings Park West Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
April 13, 2011
In attendance: Joe Meyer, Armand Fournier, Jim Messinger, Larry Velte, Virginia Scattergood, Mark Heppner.
Meeting called to order at 7:32pm.
Approval of March Meeting Minutes: The March minutes were reviewed; Armand motioned to approve, Mark seconded; approved 6-0.
The board was informed that the current checking account balance as of March
31, 2011 is $4,283.37; there are 2 general fund CD’s in the amount of $5,233.18
each; 2 general fund CD’s in the amount of $5,380.87 each; and the Reserve
Study CD at $12,406.80 bringing the grand total to: $37,918.27
Assessment Response: As of March 31, all 4 households in the payment plan are on schedule.
Tree Study: Board members walked through all of the common property to review what condition various trees were in. The recommendation is for 16 trees and one limb to be cut down and left on common property. A request for quotes has been sent to several companies, and we expect to hear back within the next few weeks. The anticipated cost of tree removal, (anticipated completion at the end of June), will be significant. Also given the cost to KPWCA for tree damage after the winter storms means that more revenue is necessary.
Budget: Jim reviewed the draft 2012 budget with two proposed assessment levels. This increase is needed to cover the large amount of money spent on tree removal and damage as a result of this year’s winter storms. Armand moved to raise the annual assessment to $40. Joe seconded. Approved 5-1.
Annual Meeting: The annual meeting is being held on May 18th. Larry is handling the official notifications; the nominating committee has received no calls.
Old Business: The Architectural Review Committee has completed two building reviews.
The Goldklang Audit has not been received but Jim will begin preparing a response. Also annual corporation dues will be coming due soon.
Brush pick up- a Path that intersects with common land had a tree cut down and piled up, with some brush left behind. Joe checked on it and the portion on our property has been cleaned up.
Communications from Members: A letter was received but it was addressed to the Civic Association, so Jim will forward it.
The Board discussed the President’s Herald article.
Hearing no new business, Virginia motioned to adjourn; Jim seconded. Concluded at 8:07 pm.