Kings Park West Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
July 14, 2010
In attendance: Joe Meyer, Armand Fournier, Linda Bufano, Virginia Scattergood, Jim Messinger, Mark Heppner
Meeting called to order at 7:40pm.
Approval of June Meeting Minutes: The June minutes were reviewed and approved. Linda motioned to approve them, Armand seconded. Approved 6-0.
Treasurer’s Report: The board was informed that the current checking account balance is $3,958.29; there are 2 general fund CD’s in the amount of $5,162.50 each; 3 general fund CD’s in the amount of $5,308.04 each; and the reserve at $10,789.46 bringing the grand total to: $40,996.87. The operating CD’s will be maturing next month.
Jim motioned to waive $0.60 in late fees for 4 households. Linda seconded; approved 6-0.
Assessment Response: 8 liens will be placed on past due accounts- there are existing liens on these households.
Jim proposed an “easy payment plan” for those 8 households with existing liens. He will draft a letter and Joe will review the by-laws to see if such a plan is permissible. The Board will discuss further at the next meeting.
Old Business: Segan sent out the memo on new laws in the Commonwealth, which Jim passed out to the Board to review.
Goldklang Audit: A final report was received; final copy will be put on the web site for review.
Goldklang Contract: The renewal has not been received yet.
New Business: Disclosure packet change sheet was reviewed and Armand will talk with RCS management to see if it can be posted on the Web site.
Corporate Status Renewal: Has been received.
Trees: Jim brought pictures of down trees in the neighborhood. Tree #1 went down on Nottinghill the night before and landed on the homeowner’s fence. Tree #2 on Bessmer lane is leaning toward a homeowner’s house. The Arborist recommended it be cut down by the fall or winter. Tree #3 on Ashcroft has a cavity. The Arborist said although it’s an issue, it’s not as serious as Tree #2 and does not have to come down.
After review and discussion the Board agreed that Tree 1 and Tree 2 will be taken down and Tree 3 will continue to be monitored since the Arborist did not suggest see a problem. Armand motioned to approve the expenditure for the tree removals, Virginia seconded, Approved 6-0.
Duties: Joe listed out what we do as an organization; he will type it up and send out for comment and additions.
Hearing no new business, Linda motioned to adjourn, Mark seconded. Adjourned at 8:40pm.