Kings Park West Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
December 9, 2009
In attendance: Joe Meyer, Linda Fournier, Linda Bufano, Virginia Scattergood, Jim Messinger
Meeting called to order at 7:30pm.
At the start of the meeting, Joe Meyer informed the Board that founding Board member Bernie Shinal had passed. Through the course of notifying friends it was learned that Tom Coldwell, also a founding Board member, had passed in August. A moment of silence was observed in honor of the two men and their service to the community.
Approval of October Meeting Minutes: The October minutes were approved electronically. The November minutes were distributed and reviewed; Jim motioned to approve them, Joe seconded. Approved 5-0.
Treasurer’s Report: The board was informed that the current checking account balance is $16,381.97; there are 2 general fund CD’s in the amount of $5,162.50 each; 3 general fund CD’s in the amount of $5,308.04 each; a Reserve CD in the amount of $10,789.46 bringing the grand total to: $53,420.55.
Assessment Response: 26 people have not paid the 2009 dues; out of this 10 have liens from prior years. Another reminder notice will be sent in January. Ten residents who paid have a $1.90 penalty remaining on the account. Jim motioned to waive the $1.90 cents; Linda Fournier seconded; Approved 5-0.
Old Business: Roberts Road Dam- There will be a meeting for affected residents on 12/11 at 7:00pm. Environmental Services will review the map and tree removal plan. Fewer trees will be taken than originally thought.
New business: Tapestry parking – Supervisor Cook introduced a motion for the county board to set up residential parking permit district in the affected area. It would cover single-family homes starting from the townhomes on Tapestry. In January he will look to amend this to include the townhomes.
Pool update- The working group got the list of things that need to be done for the county to accept the property. The County will give them a cost estimate and then they will have to pay that amount directly to the county. The Board may investigate if the county would take our property, which is contiguous to the pool property. This may reduce our liability.
Communications from members: A board member received a call about the overzealous nature of the neighborhood watch. Joe will speak with the neighborhood watch representatives about this.
Joe received an e-mail from a non-member in the nearby townhome community. The person’s car was towed from a public road. They had been told that the lines were painted incorrectly, but failed to tell the Board where they were parked. The person indicated that they wanted the Board to reimburse him the cost. Joe explained that we nothing to do with painting the lines for parking, that it is a VDOT and FFX county issue and they should take it up with them.
Hearing no new business, Joe motioned to adjourn, Linda Fournier seconded. Adjourned at 8:18pm.