Kings Park West Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
April 8, 2009
In attendance: Joe Meyer, Larry Velte, Linda Fournier, Virginia Scattergood, Mary Hovland, Jim Messinger
Meeting called to order at 7:35pm.
Approval of March Meeting Minutes: The March minutes were distributed and reviewed. Jim motioned to approve; Joe seconded. Approved 6-0.
Treasurer’s Report: The board was informed that the current checking account balance is $8,661.86; there are 2 CD’s in the amount of $5,000.00 each; 4 CD’s in the amount of $5,247.22 each; a reserve CD in the amount of $8,684.13, bringing the grand total to: $48,334.87.
Assessment Response: The certified letters, 18 in total, went out on March 20, 2009. There are 5 outstanding liens.
Audit Report: The audit is complete. Nothing material was found- one recommendation was to take the money in the CD’s and move it to the reserve account. However once it is moved, it can only be used for capital expenditures. This recommendation will be kept in mind moving forward.
Proposed Budget: Jim reviewed the proposed budget for the annual meeting, which will be sent out with the letter to homeowners.
Trash in the woods: One item is gone; another has been moved. On dumpster day the two remaining items will be removed.
Heversham Court Trees: Some trees need to be removed. Northern Virginia tree service will provide a quote for review.
Nominating Committee: No new nominees have come forth.
Annual Meeting: The proxy cards have to go out no less than 15 days in advance of the meeting; they will go out in approximately one week from today, along with a cover letter, draft budget, and return address envelope.
Jim will obtain a membership list from Rod. There is no need for a projector/screen/extension cords. Larry will bring the map of the KPWCA. Joe, Mary, and Linda will be brining additional volunteers; Jim will post directional signs. Larry will supply tape, markers, and pencils.
New business: Flood monitoring equipment installation will be occurring on Roberts Road. Joe received a letter, but it seems to be independent of the dam work being conducted. Joe will call to confirm receipt of the letter.
Hearing no new business, Larry motioned to adjourn; Virginia seconded. Meeting concluded at 8:20pm.