Kings Park West Community Association

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

February 11, 2009


In attendance: Joe Meyer, Virginia Scattergood, Linda Fournier, Linda Bufano, Jim Messinger, Mary Hovland, Larry Velte.


Meeting called to order at 7:35pm. 


Approval of January Meeting Minutes: The January minutes were distributed and reviewed. Jim motioned to approve; Virginia seconded. Approved 6-0.            


Treasurer’s Report: The board was informed that the current checking account balance is $9,756.03; there are 2 CD’s in the amount of $5,000.00 each; 4 CD’s in the amount of $5,247.22 each; a reserve CD in the amount of $8,684.13, bringing the grand total to: $49,429.04.


The taxes for KPWCA have been completed.  Even though interest was earned on the CD’s, there are enough deductibles that no federal or state taxes need to be paid on it.


Assessment Response: There are 6 liens still outstanding. A letter is being finalized; this will be sent to the remaining people who have not yet paid, showing what is back owed and currently due. Draft was circulated, with a final to be sent to Rod for mailing.


Colonial Pipeline Report:  Larry spoke with the inspector regarding the damaged tiling.  There is no immediate danger to the pipeline, but the company has investigated it and will be repairing the tile covering.


Possible Reimbursement to the Civic Association: During previous meetings, the possibility of reimbursing the Civic Association for maintenance on the common grounds was discussed, since they currently pay for all mowing, electrical, and maintenance.  Potentially, the money could come from end-of-the-year unexpended funds in the tree trimming account.  Larry received a response from the KPWCA attorneys, which states that a court could view this in two different ways. However in the attorney’s opinion, the court would take a more lenient view, so long as the maintenance performed (and paid for) directly benefits the members of the Community Association.  Larry will contact the Civic association to get information on their contract for maintenance, where they mow, etc.


Tree issues on Heversham Ct.: Jim and Joe looked at trees – one is against a property owner’s fence, the other limbs need to be removed.  The homeowner has been asked to mark the trees for removal.


Trash in the woods: The trash located in the wooded common area off of Tapestry is still there; Joe will be contacting the homeowner again.


Parking on lawn/new fence: Joe sent out letters to the homeowners reminding them of the county and Association rules; no response has been received.


Annual Meeting: Robinson is not available for May 20; Larry will contact them regarding an alternative date, either the preceding Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. 


Nominating Committee: Joe and Jim are up for election this year.  Mary will be running the nominating committee. 


Herald article: Joe will be writing about the upcoming annual meeting.


Pool update: Joe has received some correspondence with updates on the Tapestry pool situation.  The correspondence was shared with the board, but at the request of the author, it was not made public.


Audit: Joe received a note from the Association’s auditors asking if he is aware of any fraud or financial mismanagement. Joe responded and let them know that there have not been any incidents, and everything was fine.


Roberts Road dam: Joe has not heard anything back yet on the dates for the next affected homeowners meeting.


Commonwealth stream structure: The cage/structure located in the gulley north of commonwealth was looked at by board members.  Someone from the county came out to look at it, and said they could find no indication of the county installing it; perhaps it was a research effort.  The county recommended it be removed, and they are checking their records to determine ownership.


Braddock Workshop meeting: Joe attended this meeting, and reported back information regarding several topics.  First, the new HOA legislation was reviewed; regulations have not been issued, but are expected by November 2009.  A common interest community board has been set up in Richmond to resolve disputes with HOAs.  The meeting took time to review all the items that go into a HOA resale packed, and then explained the various measures used for traffic calming in a neighborhood. Lastly, how the county establishes residential and community parking districts/regulations was reviewed.


Hearing no new business, Larry motioned to adjourn; Linda F. seconded. Approved 6-0 at: 8:55pm.