Kings Park West Community Association
May 14, 2008 Meeting
In attendance: Joe Meyer, Larry Velte, Jim Messinger, Mary Hovland, Linda Fournier
Meeting called to order at 7:35 pm
Approval of April Meeting Minutes: Mary motioned to approve the April 17th minutes; Larry seconded; and they were approved 5-0.
Treasurer’s Report: Jim told the Board that the checking balance is $15,219.97; there are 4 CD’s in the amount of $5,000 each at a locked in rate of 3%; and the reserve CD is $8593.34. This brings the grand total to $43,813.21.
Assessment Response: 17 outstanding liens for $2,114 owed, with 9 newly delinquent members and 8 repeat delinquent members.
Architectural Committee: Joe and Larry spoke to the owner of Tapestry home, viewed their building plans, and approved the renovations.
Annual Meeting: The Board discussed the proposed agenda and the presentation of the proposed budget at the meeting.
Communications from Members: The Board discussed a member’s concern about vacant and unkempt homes near his residence. He asked for the Board’s assistance in contacting the owners. The Board can send letters to occupied residences for things such as overgrown lawns; however, it may be necessary to contact Fairfax County for problems concerning unoccupied housing plight.
New Business: The auditors (Goldklang and Associates) recommended the Board adopt a resolution stating: “The Association elects to apply all or part of excess assessments to following years’ assessments and that such final amount shall be at the Board’s discretion.” Jim motioned to amend the resolution; Linda seconded; and it was approved 5-0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.