Kings Park West Community Association
April 17, 2008 Meeting
(Meeting moved to April 17 due to lack of quorum for scheduled April 9 meeting date)
In attendance: Joe Meyer, Larry Velte, Jim Messinger, Virginia Scattergood, Mary Hovland
Meeting called to order at 7:40 pm.
Approval of March Meeting Minutes: The March 12th minutes were distributed and reviewed. Joe motioned to approve; Larry seconded. Approved 5-0.
Treasurer’s Report: Jim informed the board that the current balance is $17,991.97 in cash, with 4 CD’s in the amount of $5,000 each that have a locked in rate of 5%. They will mature on April 18th. Anticipated interest from the CD’s is $600. The reserve CD has $7,590.62. The cash reserve is $1,002.41. This brings the grand total to: $44,329.97.
Jim reviewed the 2008 budget, forecast, and proposed 2009 budget. Upon review, Larry motioned to reduce the yearly assessment to $30.00 and put the proposal in the letter to the membership. Jim seconded. Approved 5-0.
Jim motioned to renew the 4 CD’s in the amount of $5,000 each. Virginia seconded. Approved 5-0.
Assessment Response: 17 liens are outstanding. The final notice letters have been sent out. Jim motioned to waive one late fee; Joe seconded; approved 5-0.
Herald article: Joe’s article will be in May’s Herald.
CPAN: Larry heard back from Bill Mason (of Segan, Mason, and Mason, our attorneys), and reports that using the CPAN system to inform mortgage companies of an intent to file a lien would not be an effective way to encourage payment, as mortgage companies usually only use the system to react to a potential foreclosure.
Annual Meeting: The nominating committee is still looking for a new board candidate. The official mailing will be going out in a few days. Larry will contact RCS Management for the mailing labels and additional items needed for the meeting.
Trash Pickup: Larry and Joe went to the common area on the north side of Commonwealth Blvd next to 10324 and cleaned it out.
Architectural Issues: One application for a fence was approved; there is other activity in the neighborhood that will have to be looked into.
Communications from Members: Joe received a note about a dead tree on Collingham. They can not tell whose land the tree is on but it’s not on the Association’s land. Supervisor Bulova’s office will be sending an urban forrester out to determine whose tree it is, and how it got damaged. The Association is assisting in trying to resolve the ownership and responsibility for the tree.
Hearing no new business, Mary motioned to adjourn; Joe seconded. Approved 5-0 at 8:45 pm.