Kings Park West Community Association
February 13, 2008 Meeting
In attendance: Joe Meyer, Linda Fournier, Jim Messinger, Virginia Scattergood
Meeting called to order at 7:39pm.
Approval of January Meeting Minutes: The January 9th minutes were distributed and reviewed. Jim motioned to approve; Joe seconded.
Approved 4-0.
Treasurer’s Report: Jim informed the board that the current balance is $21,759.52 in cash, with 4 CD’s in the amount of $5,000 each that have a locked in rate of 5%. The reserve CD has $5,335.59. The cash reserve is $1,002.00. This brings the grand total to: $48,097.11.
Assessment Response: Total stands at 31 outstanding payments owed.
The Association agreed to waive the accumulated late fees on one owner because of a wrong address.
Rod agreed to reimburse the Association for the certified mailing on this particular item as well.
Lien Status: The last notice letter has gone out notifying owners that Feb. 15 is the last day to pay before initiating the lien process.
Options for following up on the liens was discussed. A plan is needed by June on the next steps before the next set of liens goes out.
Resale Packets: Two new ones; Larry took care of one. Another one came in the morning of the Feb. 13th for 5204 Mornington Court.
Web site response: The web site looks good, and is working well.
Annual Meeting/Election Activities: No updates yet on the nominating process. A postcard has been reviewed and Larry is sending it out. At the next board meeting the nominations will be discussed.
Herald Article: It has been reviewed and edited; will be published in March and will come out the same time as the postcard.
Parking on the grass: One house that received a letter responded quickly; another letter is due to another home regarding consistent parking on the grass. The Association agreed that a letter will be sent to the homeowner in question.
Communications from Members: No new communications have been received.
Hearing no new business, Virginia motioned to adjourn; Linda seconded. Approved 4-0 at 8:10 pm.