Kings Park West Community Association


October 10, 2007 Meeting


            In attendance: Linda Fournier, Joe Meyer, Jim Messinger, Larry Velte, Dina Gorrell,

            Mary Hovland, Virginia Scattergood


Meeting called to order at 7:35 pm. 


Approval of September Meeting Minutes: The September 12th minutes were distributed and reviewed. Larry motioned to approve; Dina seconded. Approved 7-0.    


Treasurer’s Report: Jim informed the board that the current balance is $24,904.97 in cash, with 4 CD’s in the amount of $5,000 each that have a locked in rate of 5%. The reserve CD has $5,335.59. The cash reserve is $1,001.37. The reserve CD will mature in April.  This brings the grand total to: $51,241.93.


Jim reports that after July 1, there have been three resale packet requests. One was not paid as of September 30, but it has been paid in October and will appear in the next financial report.


Assessment Response: 77 Households were at 30 days last month; 52 households are now at 60 days past due for the assessment.  Under our collection policy, two reminders are sent out by RCS and then the Association sends one.  The final letters indicate the total amount due which includes the late fees. After discussion it was agreed that these letters are going to be sent out earlier than in the past to encourage payment.


Mary moved to remove the $2.00 late fee for one resident who had paid the past balance due; Joe seconded; Approved 7-0.


Another resident owes $2.50 in late fees after payment was complete. Larry motioned to remove this fee; Mary seconded; approved 7-0.


Jim will let Rod know to remove these late fees. 


Lien Status:  Four liens were released on October 10; there was confusion over a 5th lien as to whether or not they had paid.  Subsequently Larry and Jim found out that the balance due was paid, so the lien will be removed by Jim. Once that is released, there are 9 properties with liens.


Jim reports that the one property under foreclosure as of the last meeting was not auctioned because the money was paid to the bank.  Thus our lien against this property still stands.


External Communications:  The Association received an invitation to help out with the Civic Association Halloween party. The party is on the afternoon of October 28th at Royal Lake Park. 


The announcement board has been installed at Tapestry and Braddock.


Joe has asked for Web site updates which are pending; Larry is willing to help out with updates. Linda will try to find out who handles the Civic Association’s Web site.


Tapestry resident parking issue/pool update: On the 24th of October V-DOT is coming by to observe the parking situation. Joe will be in attendance. The Tapestry residents will also be taking photos of the congestion during prime problem hours to present to V-DOT.


Note on the potential for Tapestry residents obtaining a resident-only parking zone: the residential parking permit rules are meant for areas near high schools, not colleges. The only people who could apply are those who face on the effected area (which none of the Tapestry houses do).


No updates on the pool.


Joe attended the Braddock-GMU meeting sponsored by County Supervisor Sharon Bulova. Her office made the arrangements to bring V-DOT out again to review the parking situation. In addition there was discussion about the new building going on with GMU, including the hotel and conference center, and potential changes in the traffic patterns.


Communications from Members:  Joe received an inquiry on the resale packet and directed the member to Rod at RCS.


Hearing no new business, Larry motioned to adjourn; Dina seconded. Approved 7-0 at 8:13 pm.