Kings Park West Community Association


June 13, 2007 Meeting



            In attendance: Larry Velte, Joe Meyer, Jim Messinger, Virginia Scattergood

            Absent: Mary Hovland, Linda Fournier, Dina Gorrell


Pursuant to a prior agreement of the Board, Virginia Scattergood was sworn in as a member of the Board of Directors for a one year term to replace Fred Fredericks.  The motion was unanimously approved and having a quorum, the meeting was called to order at 7:45pm by the President, Larry Velte.


Approval of May Minutes: The minutes were distributed and reviewed; Joe motioned to approve, Jim seconded, approved 4-0.


Treasurer’s Report: Bernie informed the board that the total balance stands at $29,795.12, with the reserves totaling $6,331.61. 


Bernie also discussed the corporate application, and the new engagement letter from the accounting firm.  Outstanding items:

            -Engagement letter needs to be signed

            -Note that there is a new dollar amount being charged

            -The contract runs for two years

            -The most recent audit is through May 2006; this showed minor changes which need to be reviewed. 


Budget: The balance sheet was reviewed, with discussion ensuing on the increase in the State Corporation dues, and the potential to use funds in the “Legal/Court” line item to file liens on delinquent accounts. Virginia made a motion to accept the proposed budget and set the annual assessment at $40; Joe seconded; approved 4-0.


Annual Meeting Minutes: These will be sent from Dina; the by-laws permit electronic approval if all agree, otherwise the matter is to be approved at the monthly meeting.


Lien Process: Final warning letters were distributed to delinquent account holders; only one bill was paid as a result. There are a total of 16 outstanding accounts, including 9 new ones, on which a lien may be filed. Larry had reviewed the necessary requirements, and would contact Jim to file the liens with him in Fairfax County Court.


Request to Build a Bridge on Common Land: During the annual meeting the Board received a request from a resident to build a “moveable bridge” over one of the creeks in Kings Park West. This land is owned by the Community Association.  After discussion, it was agreed that a discussion with the insurance company would be had to determine any potential liability. In addition the plans would be obtained from the requesting party. 


Communications from Members: There is one request for a fence approval.


Election of Officers: The proposed slate is as follows:

            President: Joe Meyer

            Vice-President: Mary Hovland (Pending Mary’s approval)

            Secretary: Virginia Scattergood

            Treasurer: Jim Messinger


A motion was made by Larry, seconded by Joe, and the slate was approved 4-0 pending the concurrence of Mary Hovland.


Future Meetings: Meeting date will continue to be the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm.


Hearing no further business, a motion was made by Joe Meyer, seconded by Larry Velte, and the Board meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:30pm.