Kings Park West Community Association
June 13, 2007 Meeting
In attendance: Larry Velte, Joe Meyer, Jim Messinger, Virginia
Absent: Mary Hovland, Linda Fournier, Dina Gorrell
Pursuant to a prior
agreement of the Board, Virginia Scattergood was sworn in as a member of the
Board of Directors for a one year term to replace Fred Fredericks. The motion was unanimously approved and
having a quorum, the meeting was called to order at 7:45pm by the President,
Larry Velte.
Approval of May Minutes: The minutes were distributed and reviewed; Joe
motioned to approve, Jim seconded, approved 4-0.
Treasurer’s Report: Bernie informed the board that the total balance stands at $29,795.12,
with the reserves totaling $6,331.61.
Bernie also discussed the
corporate application, and the new engagement letter from the accounting
firm. Outstanding items:
-Engagement letter needs to be signed
-Note that there is a new dollar amount being charged
-The contract runs for two years
-The most recent audit is through May 2006; this showed
minor changes which need to be reviewed.
The balance sheet was reviewed, with discussion ensuing on the increase in the
State Corporation dues, and the potential to use funds in the “Legal/Court”
line item to file liens on delinquent accounts. Virginia made a motion to
accept the proposed budget and set the annual assessment at $40; Joe seconded;
approved 4-0.
Annual Meeting Minutes: These will be sent from Dina; the by-laws permit
electronic approval if all agree, otherwise the matter is to be approved at the
monthly meeting.
Lien Process: Final warning letters were distributed to delinquent account holders;
only one bill was paid as a result. There are a total of 16 outstanding
accounts, including 9 new ones, on which a lien may be filed. Larry had
reviewed the necessary requirements, and would contact Jim to file the liens
with him in Fairfax County Court.
Request to Build a Bridge on Common Land: During the annual meeting the Board received a
request from a resident to build a “moveable bridge” over one of the creeks in
Kings Park West. This land is owned by the Community Association. After discussion, it was agreed that a
discussion with the insurance company would be had to determine any potential
liability. In addition the plans would be obtained from the requesting
Communications from Members: There is one request for a fence approval.
Election of Officers: The proposed slate is as follows:
President: Joe Meyer
Vice-President: Mary Hovland (Pending Mary’s approval)
Secretary: Virginia Scattergood
Treasurer: Jim Messinger
A motion was made by Larry,
seconded by Joe, and the slate was approved 4-0 pending the concurrence of Mary
Future Meetings: Meeting date will continue to be the second Wednesday of each month at
Hearing no further business,
a motion was made by Joe Meyer, seconded by Larry Velte, and the Board meeting
was adjourned at approximately 8:30pm.