April 11, 2007 Minutes


Jim Messinger, Larry Velte, Mary Hovland and Bernie Shinal.  Missing, Fred Fredericks, Joe Meyer and Dina Gorrell

Approval of March Minutes

Jim Messinger made the motion made to accept March minutes, Bernie Shinal seconded, motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report

As of 3/31/07, the reserve account balance is $4,230.52 and the checking account balance is $37,719.10 for a total of $41,949.62.  Larry Velte okayed an invoice for $107.50 dated 3/14/07 for review of email in regards to annexation.  The invoice is to be sent to Rod of RCS management for payment.

Lien Application

There are currently 21 total homeowners with liens, 3 to be cleared.  One was paid when refinanced home, another person said they just found their notice, and one last person paid. There was a motion made by Mary Hovland to waive the late fees associated with the three cleared liens.  Bernie Shinal seconded and motion passed.  Of the remaining 18 homeowners, nine have three liens each. There was a discussion as to how to handle one of the lien holders.  The homeowner sold home to bank without paying off lien.  Options for settling lien included write off, charge new owner (new buyer is not liable but the title is.)  It was decided to have RCS management send letter to the new owner, the bank in this case, in hopes that they will pay.

For current year outstanding payments, it was decided to send one last letter at the end of May requesting payment.  We have until the end of July 07 to file a new lien.

2007 Annual Meeting Preparation

It was brought up that Tony Velucci, the president of the KPW Civic Association requested to speak at this year’s annual meeting.  The Board agreed to put him on the agenda but requested that he submit his agenda ahead of time. 

The cafeteria, microphone, and screen have been reserved for the meeting.

Bernie Shinal will present a power point presentation of the annual budget.

Larry Velte provided a proposed agenda.  It was decided to add the Kings West Pool update as a separate agenda item

Larry Velte said that it would be $437.20 for Regal Copy to print, stuff, and mail proxy.  Mary Hovland made a motion to hire Regal Copy to do this work, Jim Messinger seconded.  Motioned passed.

2007-2008 Budget and Assessment

There was a discussion as to amount of annual assessment to put in the letter announcing the annual meeting.  There was a motion by Mary Hovland to use $40 for the letter and to discuss using $35 or $40 for the annual meeting at the next board meeting.  Seconded by Jim Messinger, motion passed.

The goal for the ending balance of the Association’s checking account is one year’s operating expenses.  This is per recommendation of state.

Budget line items discussed:

Tapestry Sign

There was discussion of placing a sign at the Tapestry entrance in the past.  Fred Fredericks has volunteered to look at the research that had been done by Armin in regards to Fairfax County signage regulations.  Tony Velucci has now made a request to place a sign on Tapestry to announce community events.  This would not be in lieu of the sign at the Tapestry entrance but instead in addition.  It was decided that the idea of a message board would be fine but its placement must be approved by the board. 

Kings West Pool

This pool board has a draft of the contract for their land and wants our legal counsel to review this draft.  The cost of review would be borne by the pool.  There is no mention in the contract in regards to the affected common land.  The KPW board needs to ask the pool board their intentions in regards to the common area.


There was a motion by Mary Hovland to table this discussion until future meeting, Jim Messinger seconded, motion passed. 


Mary Hovland made a motion to adjourn, Jim Messinger seconded, motion passed.