February 7, 2007
Larry Velte called the meeting to order at 7:34pm. All 7 directors were present.
The January minutes were presented by
Bernie Shinal presented the Treasurer’s report. The current balance is $48,693.51. Of that, $44,465.28 is in the checking account and the remaining $4,227.83 is in the reserve account. Bernie also presented a proof of insurance binder and a copy of the business license for Robert Barry, the contractor awarded the Bessmer walkway maintenance contract in the February 4 special vote. Bernie indicated that the $750 deposit to Mr. Barry would come from the general fund not the reserve fund as this money was specifically set aside in our annual budget as emergency maintenance. Finally, Bernie commented that Mr. Barry intended to commence work on the walkway on Thursday, February 8th.
In preparation for the May annual meeting of the membership, the board reviewed a draft text of the postcard for members and article for the next issue of the Herald that had been prepared by Larry Velte. The board also discussed whether or not a separate letter on architectural controls and issues should be included in the official notice of the annual meeting. A consensus was reached to instead put an official slot on the annual meeting agenda to discuss these issues and alert homeowners to that effect in the letter that accompanies the proxy form in the annual meeting notice. The plan would then be to have the Herald article that discusses our annual meeting to refer specifically to the discussion on the architectural controls, as way of notifying the rest of the membership.
Joe Meyer presented the board with a draft letter explaining the difference between the KPW Community Association (HOA) and the Civic Association and encouraging members of our Association to also join the Civic Association. This letter would be given to Civic Association block captains to hand out to residents as the block captains visit each household that did not initially elect to join the Civic Association. Mary Hovland made some suggestions to the layout and said she would make some changes and forward those back to Joe. Joe would then handle making the copies and getting them to the civic association in time for the membership drive.
Joe Meyer reported that he had received communication from
two members about trees on common land.
One homeowner from
The board discussed whether to take action on one or both of
these trees and whether to do this work now or wait until the board members had
had a chance to walk the common land looking for other trees that needed
Following the discussion of the tree issue, it was noted that when the board members walk the common land this year, we would be taking notice of encroachment, and sending out letters to those homeowners. Larry Velte said he would soon be sending out a draft of this letter, including among other things verbiage noting that while continued use of the common land would be tolerated, that should any structures currently on common land need to be replaced that the homeowner replace them on their own lot, that the homeowners needed to cease all encroachment at time of sale of property, and that the homeowners would be liable in case of injury on land upon which they had encroached (liability potentially not covered by their homeowners’ policies).
Approximately 21 homeowners have not paid their membership dues for the current fiscal year. This number is higher than the approximately 11 who did not pay last year. Larry Velte noted that all have received their final notice via certified letter that the funds are due.
Finally, Larry Velte stated that he had received on behalf
of the board floor plans of a proposed addition to
The meeting was adjourned at 8:50pm.