Kings Park West Community Association

Annual Meeting Minutes

May 24, 2006


President Larry Velte called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. and announced that a quorum was present, either in person or through proxy.  He proceeded to introduce each member of the current board, gave an overall review of last years activities and progress, and then discussed the lien process being used for members who have failed to remit their assessments.


Dina Gorrell of the nominating committee announced the names of persons for election to the board, Joe Meyer for re-election, and James Messinger for election to replace a retiring member.  There were no additional nominations from the floor.  Phyllis McDevitt moved that nominations be closed.  Mr. Cole seconded the motion.  The two nominees were elected by acclamation.


Treasurer Bernie Shinal discussed the association’s finances and budget.  He reviewed the budget in depth, and noted that the dues for next year would probably drop to $40, if the board of directors approved the proposed budget at the June meeting.  Other explanations included our insurance policy for the common grounds, the reappointment of RCS as the association’s management company, the cooperative arrangement with the KPW Civil Association for grounds maintenance, and the establishment and uses for the reserve account.


The Treasurer then reported on the audit of the association’s finances.  Goldklang and Associates completed the report in May 2006, and noted no irregularities.  They had three recommendations:  File taxes using the exempt method, maintain fidelity bond coverage against defalcification or misappropriation of funds, and ensure all invoices reside with the management company.


In other business:


Mr. Jay Jackson, a resident in the Tapestry area, spoke about the status of the Kings West Swim Club pool.  He gave some background on what actions were being taken in regard to disposing of the pool property, what financial hurdles the pool committee was faced with, and what some of the options and potential future uses might be.  He expressed concern that, if the land were sold to a developer, the property might become over-developed, or be used in such a way that it became a detriment to the neighborhood.  The pool and the property is not a part of the KPW Community Association, so any covenants and declarations would not apply.  Based on his explanation, Mr. Jackson made the following motion:


            In the event that the Kings West Swim Club, Inc. offers to deed the unbuildable portion of the property that it owns at nominal costs, then the board of the Community Association will undertake the procedures in the bylaws and/or covenants to put the question to the membership as to whether or not to accept the property as offered.


Mary Hovland seconded the motion. Further discussion ensued as to the implications of carrying out the motion, if adopted.  The motion was accepted with 49 for and 15 against.


A Member in the audience thanked the board for their service over the past year, and a round of applause followed.


The president announced he would entertain a motion for adjournment.  Mr. Blanco so moved, and Fred Fredericks seconded.  Motion passed.