Kings Park West Community Association

Minutes—June 14, 2006


President Larry Velte called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.  Absent were Dina Gorrell and Mary Hovland.


The May meeting minutes were read and approved Bernie Shinal made the motion and Joe Meyer seconded.


Larry Velte welcomed the newest board member Jim Messinger, and a member guest, Carolyn LaRosa.


Bernie Shinal read the treasurer’s report.  The balance as of May 31 was $36, 755.31, including $4,210.53 in the Reserve Account.


The results of the May Annual meeting were discussed. 

·         The minutes of the annual meeting were approved.  Fred Fredericks made the motion, and Bernie Shinal seconded. 

·         The board discussed the Kings West Swim Club motion that passed, its implications, and the mechanics of how a vote would be conducted, once presented with the offer of the land.   More money will be added to the budget for additional printing and postage to cover the costs of notifying the membership of the vote.  Fred Fredericks moved and Jim Messinger seconded the motion to modify the budget. 

·         The Tapestry sign possibilities will be researched, especially the current County restrictions on signage.


The 2007 Annual Budget as presented at the annual meeting was presented and passed.  Joe Meyer made the motion, Fred Fredericks seconded.


We have the potential for a total of 14 liens to be placed on members homes, 8 of them repeat offenders from last year.  Three have been delivered and 11 are pending delivery.  The board has received two e-mails regarding the lien notices.  Larry Velte and Joe Meyer will visit with one homeowner to resolve the issue of who lives in the home and who actually owns the home. 


The board agreed to purchase a Fidelity Bond to cover the membership for financial embezzlement by a board member or RCS management Company, at a cost of $250 annually.  This was a recommendation by Goldklang and Associates during our recent audit.  Fred Fredericks moved and Jim Messinger seconded to amend the 2007 budget to include the additional $250 in the insurance accounts.


Larry Velte will contact our attorney to discuss ways to resolve encroachment issues, and concerns about liability and possible adverse possession.  Additional questions concerning the enforceability of our covenants based on the general way they are written.

The county will be holding a meeting Monday June 26 about district 17 parking restrictions and the issues surrounding parking of commercial vehicles in KPW.  Joe Meyer will try to attend.


The board received several communications from members:

  • Pipestem Parking—large boat parking on the pipestem.  This is an issue residents/owners of the pipestem need to resolve among themselves, since pipestems are private property.
  • Tree work—a resident complained about a common land tree leaning.  The tree will be assessed and probably taken down.
  • Ridge Court—complaint about messy property
  • Dundalk—barking dog complaint.  Refer the member to the county barking dog hotline.


Officers for next year were selected and approved by the board.  Larry Velte, president; Joe Meyer, vice president; Fred Fredericks, secretary; and Bernie Shinal, treasurer.


The board went into executive session to discuss the particulars of the liens soon to be emplaced.


Fred Fredericks moved for adjournment, Bernie Shinal seconded.  The meeting ended at 9:10 p.m.