Kings Park West Community Association

Board Meeting Minutes May 10, 2006


The meeting was called to order by President Larry Velte at 7:40 p.m., with member Armand Fournier absent.


The April minutes were accepted; Bernie Shinal moved, Dina Gorrell seconded.


Treasurer Bernie Shinal reported a balance as of April 28, 2006 of $34,966.40, including $4,210.53 in the reserve fund.  He recently transferred an additional $2,100 to the reserve fund for 2006.


Discussion ensued about preparations for the 2006 Annual Meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, May 24.  The meeting announcements have gone out and we have already received over 60 proxies (so a quorum is guaranteed).   The agenda was reviewed and administrative issues, such as ballots, voting cards, pens and pencils, projector and screen, and other equipment and supplies have been accounted for.  Larry Velte will phone Phyllis McDevitt and see if she, and possibly some of her political science students can assist during the election.


The board had received an inquiry about removing a tree on the common grounds that was leaning over a member’s property.  A survey of the tree will be done.  It was noted that we have sufficient funds in the budget for tree removal at this point. The proposed budget for 2006-07 reflects increased monies for tree removal, based on the experience of the last two years.


All affected parties have signed easements, and work has begun in the Bessmer/Heversham area by Dominion Virginia Power to bury the overhead power lines. Hopefully this will prevent the frequent, prolonged outages in that area of KPW.  Many thanks to Sharon Bulova and Dave Bulova’s offices for orchestrating this resolution.


President Larry Velte announced the appointment of Ms. Mary Hovland to the board of directors.  Mary will fill out the remaining year of Tom Coldwell’s term.  The board voted unanimously by electronic ballot to accept Mary’s nomination.


Larry Velte reported that there are 16 members who have not paid their assessments for 2005-06.  One member has recently paid.  The letters are being prepared to send a final notice to 14 of these members (including 8 holdovers from last year).  Liens must be filed by August 1, 2006.  Two remaining members who have not paid will receive notices at a later date, because their due date is later in the billing cycle.  A motion was made by Fred Fredericks, and seconded by Mary Hovland to cancel the $1.00 late fee incurred by the aforementioned resident who recently paid their assessment.  Members with outstanding assessments are not allowed to vote at the annual meeting.


The board received a complaint about too many cars parked in a pipestem.  This is generally beyond the scope of the board’s concern, because pipestems are private property, belonging to the members who live on the pipestem.  This is really a matter for the residents to resolve among themselves.  The board’s concern was whether there was a public safety issue, where emergency vehicles would not be able to get close enough to one of the homes to put out a fire, or provide medical assistance.  Driving by the pipestem on two separate occasions noted no cars parked on the pipestem.  The complainant will be contacted to see if the problem has been resolved.


One resident inquired about the procedures to submit plans for a new deck.  He was referred to the web site where he could find the restrictions and covenants.  The member called back, expressing appreciation for all the information he found on the web site.  He will be sending an application to Larry Velte and Joe Meyer, as members of the architectural review committee.


Further discussion took place about architectural concerns in the neighborhood.  There are currently three homes undergoing substantial renovation, one in the Tapestry area, one on Pumphrey Drive, and one on Commonwealth.  None of these members submitted proposals to the association for architectural compliance.  The board also talked about the need to look at the possibility of McMansion type homes being put up in KPW.  The current architectural rules are very loosely written (changes must be in architectural harmony with the surrounding homes, very subjective language).  It was agreed to check with our attorneys and see just how much authority the association has or does not have concerning enforcement of architectural compliance.


The meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m., motion by Joe Meyer, seconded by Fred Fredericks.