Board Meeting
January 11, 2006
President Larry Velte called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m. All board members were present.
Treasurer Shinal discussed the status of the taxes for 2004-2005 and the annual audit. The taxes were ready for signature (no tax due) by Larry Velte, however the audit still had some minor clarifications that needed to be addressed. Bernie Shinal and Armand Fournier would contact our management company, RCS, and Goldklang and Associates, the auditor, to get things finalized.
In discussing the status of the 2005-06 assessments, it was
noted that we still have 19 members on the delinquent list, 17 of whom have
received late notices. Of the 19, eight
still have liens from last year’s assessment.
(There are still nine liens in force, one to be released shortly.)
A motion was made by Armand Fournier, and seconded by Tom
Coldwell, to call eight of the members who paid last year, but have not yet
paid this year, as a courtesy in an effort to forestall additional late
notices. Board members felt that their
delinquency might be an oversight on the members’ part, since they did pay last
year. Motion passed five to two (
Fred Fredericks noted that he had attended a meeting of the Kings West Swim Club on Jan. 10, but the meeting was poorly attended and little was accomplished. Several options were discussed and he reiterated that the KPWCA has no interest in buying the pool. A general membership meeting is scheduled for Jan. 24 in the Robinson Gold cafeteria. Fred recommended that the pool committee be prepared to present several possible scenarios to their members, so everyone has a good grasp of the possibilities and limitations they face.
The noise complaint about excessive basketball playing on
The board discussed the need to look at re-bidding the management service contract currently in effect. After two years with RCS, we have a better idea of the kinds of services we need, and should, in the interest of the membership see what other companies have to offer. The board is not completely satisfied with RCS’s service and some of its lapses are causing concern. Armand Fournier will put together a request for bid, the board will review and it should go out for bid in March.
In preparation for the 2006 annual Meeting, May 24, 2006, at
The meeting was concluded at 9:04 p.m. Motion to adjourn by Tom Coldwell, seconded by Fred Fredericks.