Wednesday, October 12, 2005
President Larry Velte called the meeting of the Board of Directors to order at 7:30 p.m. A quorum was present, with Dina Gorrel and Fred Fredericks absent.
The minutes of the September 7 meeting were slightly amended and approved by the Board. Armand Fournier made the motion to approve and Tom Coldwell seconded.
Discussion of the 2005-06 Assessments. An up-to-date report from RCS management on the status of payments was not received in time for the meeting. It was noted that the 30-day reminder notice had been mailed by RCS, and it was time for the 60-day reminder to be mailed to those homeowners who have not paid.
Property Liens for past due assessments. Five liens were released on Thursday, October 6 following payment of the past due assessments (9 remain in place). A letter was sent to those who paid, reminding them of the obligation to reimburse the Association for the cost of placing and releasing the lien, in accordance with the covenants and bylaws.
Property tax relief for 1984-85. No final communication has been received from Supervisor Sharon Bulova’s office concerning our request for relief. It was decided not to press her office for an answer just yet, rather let her work within the system to get us an answer.
Annual audit and tax return. Goldklang and Associates has received the necessary materials from RCS Management, and expects to have our reports ready in about a week.
Kings West Swim Pool. No news from the pool board of directors regarding the future of the property.
Walkway between Bessmer and common ground. It has been determined that the project is beyond the capabilities of our volunteer maintenance committee, and will have to be done professionally.
Cleanup of common area on Commonwealth, adjacent to Robinson Secondary School. Boy Scouts indicated they do not have the time to devote to the cleanup. One adjacent property owners has indicated a willingness to help as a service to the KPWCA.
Communications from members:
The board approved the request of the homeowner at 10164 Tapestry to rebuild his deck (to original dimensions) and to construct a vinyl privacy fence in his backyard (specifications provided).
Car parked on the lawn on Bessmer. There is a 48 hour limit for parking on the grass, according to county regulations. Armand Fournier has agreed to speak with the tenant, and if the situation continues, a letter will be sent to the property owner.
Car on Wheatstone up on jacks, no license plates. Property is not within HOA boundaries. Referred to Civic Association.
New Business:
Need to begin looking for volunteers to be candidates for the Board of Directors. Two positions will be up for election next June.
Motion was made to adjourn at 8:15 by Tom Coldwell. Seconded by Joe Meyer. Passed.