Monthly Meeting July 20042005
July 6, 2005
Attending: Larry Velte, Bernie Shinal, Armand Fournier, and Fred Fredericks; absent Tom Coldwell, Joe Meyer, and Dina Gorrell.
The July 2005 monthly meeting of the Board of Kings Park West Community Association was held on Wednesday, July 6, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. at Robinson High School.
A quorum was present and Larry Velte called the Board meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
The Board unanimously agreed to dispense with the reading of the June 1, 2005 meeting minutes.
Larry Velte passed around the revised By-Laws for signature by the Board. The By-Laws incorporates the changes approved by the members at the 2005 annual meeting.
Fred Fredericks provided an update on the improvements and efforts of the maintenance committee. Progress to date includes work on the Tapestry Ct. steps and planning for the Allenby Ct. step demolition project.
The repair work at Bessmer Lane will require the hiring of a contractor. Bernie Shinal will get quotes for the repair/replacement of the walkway.
Bernie Shinal and Larry Velte will investigate the dead tree on our common land at 10444 Collingham Drive to see if we can self perform the tree removal. They will also investigate the complaint of trash collecting on the common land off Commonwealth Blvd.
The Board discussed the annual audit and taxes preparation. Bernie Shinal will coordinate and commence the annual audit and taxes with RCS and Goldklang, Cavanaugh & Associates, PC.
Larry Velte reported that he emailed the County requesting information regarding the notice of past due property taxes on Association common lands dating back to 1980. The tax notice did not state whether it included penalties, interest, etc.
The Board discussed the filing of liens on the properties of the fourteen members that have not paid their assessments. Larry Velte will file and record the liens on Wednesday, July 13. The Board will commence preparation of the release of lien paperwork; the Association has 90 days after payment to release the lien.
The Board discussed the renewal of the RCS contract incorporating the revised language concerning the collection notification process. Fred Fredericks made a motion to accept the RCS contract subject to Larry Velte’s approval of the revision to paragraph 3.b Collection of Assessments, to include the Board’s approved collection timeline. Armand Fournier seconded the motion and it was approved by the Board.
The Board had planned to discuss the narrative responses from the 139 surveys. The Board decided to table discussion until next month.
Fred Fredericks provided an update on the Kings West Pool, on Tapestry Drive. The private pool will not open, and is considering disposal of their property. The Association will monitor developments regarding the Kings West Pool on how it may affect our members.
Bernie Shinal made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Fred Fredericks and approved.
The meeting adjourned at 8:20 P.M.
The next monthly Board meeting will be held on August 3, 2005 at 7:30 P.M. in Room 508 or the Recital Hall at Robinson High School.
Armand Fournier on behalf of
Joe Meyer