Monthly Meeting February 20042005
February 2, 2005
Attending: Larry Velte, Armand Fournier, Joe Meyer, Bernie Shinal, Dan Barney and Fred Fredericks; absent Tom Coldwell.
The February 2005 monthly meeting of the Board of Kings Park West Community Association was held on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. at Robinson High School.
A quorum was present and Larry Velte called the Board meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
The Board unanimously agreed to dispense with the reading of the January 2005 meeting minutes.
Armand Fournier made a motion that the Board file liens upon the property of members that have not paid their assessments. Thereafter, the Board may choose further judicial or non-judicial action to collect the assessment. The motion was seconded by Joe Meyer and approved.
The Board prepared and adopted a collection policy for past due assessments. The Board will file a lien upon members’ property that are over 120 days past due, in accordance with the Code of Virginia §55-516, the Covenants and the Association’s By-Laws. The filing of the lien will follow the initial assessment notice and three past due reminder letters. The first and second reminder letters will be sent 30 and 60 days after the due date, respectively. The final past due notice will, following the Board’s review, notify the member of the Board’s intent to file a lien and will be sent 90 days after the due date and allow 30 days for receipt of payment to avoid the filing of a lien upon the member’s property.
Armand Fournier made a motion to send out the final past due notice to the members whose payments are currently 90 days past due. The letter will notify the delinquent member of the Board’s intent to file a lien upon their property if their assessments and late charges are not paid within 30 days. Fred Fredericks seconded the motion and it was approved. The letter will be signed by Larry Velte and RCS management will send by certified mail.
The Board discussed the status of past due assessments. Armand Fournier moved to waive the late fee for a household where the annual assessment was paid, but the past due 6% interest cost was not paid. The motion was seconded by Fred Fredericks and approved.
The Board discussed the reconciliation of the annual budget and RCS’ reports. A revision to the annual budget is necessary to comply with the fiscal year starting on June 1, 2004, as set forth in the By-Laws. Dan Barney made a motion to accept the revised budget. Armand Fournier seconded the motion and it was approved.
The status of the reserve study was discussed, including a review of the capital improvements/assets owned by the Community Association. The improvements include sidewalks and stairs at Bessmer Lane, Gainsborough Dr., Commonwealth Blvd, Allenby Rd., Heversham Ct., Catterick Ct., and Tapestry Ct. The draft reserve study does not include an evaluation of the main entrance sign at Twinbrook. The initial site review indicates that maintenance of our property is required at Bessmer Ln., Gainsborough Dr., Allenby Rd. and Tapestry Ct. The current 2005 budget includes monies to maintain the Allenby Rd. property. The cost to maintain the other properties will be included in the 2006 proposed budget.
Fred Fredericks and Dan Barney will review the condition of the Tapestry Ct. handrail and determine if volunteers can maintain it. The handrail needs rust removal and painting to prolong its useful life.
The Board set the date and time of the annual meeting of members for May 25, 2005 at 7:30 P.M. Larry Velte will coordinate and reserve space at Robinson High School for the meeting.
Fred Fredericks made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Dan Barney and approved.
The meeting adjourned at 8:55 P.M.
The next KPWCA Board of Directors meeting is on March 2, 2005 at 7:30 P.M. in the Gold Cafeteria (or Recital Hall) at Robinson High School.
Armand Fournier