June 17, 2004


Board Members Attending: Larry Velte, Tom Coldwell, Bernie Shinal, Armand Fournier, Joe Meyer, Dan Barney, and John Ostrom

A special meeting of the Kings Park West Community Association was held on Thursday, June 17, 2004 at 7:30 p.m. at Robinson High School. This was the second meeting scheduled to address the raising of the maximum annual assessment and to revise the Association By-Laws. The June 9 meeting did not have the required 60% Members for a quorum, the June 17 meeting required 30% of the Members for a quorum.

A quorum, greater than 174 Homeowners in person or by proxy, was present and Larry Velte called the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M.


A motion was made and seconded from the floor to raise the maximum annual assessment to fifty dollars per unit per year ($50/unit/year). The meeting was opened to discuss this motion. The Board presented a PowerPoint slide show detailing the 2004/2005 budget and offered detailed explanations in support of the suggested $50 maximum annual assessment. Bernie Shinal, Treasurer, presented the budget. A discussion period was conducted regarding the proposed 2004/2005 budget including, stair replacement, a County erosion control study for the stream behind Tapestry, property management, taxes, insurance, cutting of trees on the common land, etc.

A procedural question was asked from the floor; the individual noted that the King’s Park West Civic Association newsletter "The Herald" stated that the Board had purchased insurance. He asked how the Board voted to purchase the insurance from Nationwide, because it was not posted in Meeting Minutes. The Secretary explained the vote was by unanimous written approval of the Board as authorized by the By-Laws.

A motion, from the floor, was made to amend the original motion to read $40 instead of $50 per unit per year, and the motion was seconded. Following the motion, the amendment was opened for discussion. The discussion was closed. The vote to amend the original motion did not receive the required majority, and it did not pass.

The original motion to raise the maximum annual assessment to $50 was voted on at 8:45 P.M. The motion was approved by a count of 257 Yeas to 35 Nays, which is more than the two-thirds (196) required to pass the motion.

The Board then presented the proposed revisions to the By-Laws. Larry Velte used a PowerPoint slide show to present and discuss the recommended changes, which had been posted on the Association’s website before the meeting. A motion was made and seconded from the floor to revise the By-Laws and incorporate the suggested revisions,. The Members unanimously approved the motion. The establishment of a fiscal year is subject to further research on not-for-profit corporation legal requirements.

After the scheduled business was concluded, the meeting was opened for discussion. There was considerable discussion concerning the disclosure packets required to be provided by the home seller to the purchaser and procedures were outlined. It was suggested that the Board form a safety and environmental committee to research the means and methods required to protect the common lands. The Board will post a call for volunteers on the website with the other committees already listed.

The floor made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and the motion was seconded, with the meeting being adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

The next KPWCA Board meeting is June 23 Board at 7:30 P.M. at Robinson High School’s Recital Hall. All members are welcome to attend.

Armand Fournier
