Monthly Meeting September 2004

September 1, 2004


Attending: Larry Velte, Tom Coldwell, Armand Fournier, Bernie Shinal, Joe Meyer, Dan Barney and John Ostrom


The September 2004 monthly meeting of the Board of Kings Park West Community Association was held on Wednesday, September 1, 2004 at 7:30 p.m. at Robinson High School.

Before the commencement of official business, a representative of the Winston Knolls subdivision in West Springfield met with the Board to discuss the reorganization of their homeowners’ association.

A quorum was present and Larry Velte called the Board meeting to order at 8:10 P.M.


It was unanimously agreed to dispense with the reading of the August 4, 2004 Meeting Minutes.

RCS Management forwarded the monthly statement on August 31, 2004; however, the Board did not receive the information before the September meeting. RCS has reported that as of September 1, 447 of the 580 homeowners have paid their annual assessments. RCS will send the second mailing in 15 days to the 133 members that are in arrears. RCS will send a third and final notice before the end of the year to the homeowners that have not paid their assessment.

The Board discussed the management and maintenance of the KPWCA website. Improvements are underway and the Board will continue to revise the website to make available current and user-friendly information to the Members.

The Board discussed the maintenance of the Membership list to keep track of Owners selling and buying in KPWCA. Tom Coldwell will continue to discuss returned mail and identification of current/lost Owners and address corrections with RCS Management.

The Board held a closed-door session (to protect the privacy of a Homeowner) to discuss his/her threatened legal action against RCS Management regarding payment of the annual assessment.

The Board delayed contacting volunteers for the various committees until after the assessments have been processed to ensure all volunteers are Members in good standing. The Board will contact RCS Management to verify that the volunteers have paid their assessments and will contact the volunteers in September.

The Board unanimously approved the use of Goldklang Cavanaugh and Associates to perform the fiscal year end audit and KPWCA taxes for the current year. Goldklang Cavanaugh’s quote was used in the budget adopted by the Board. Bernie Shinal will send a retainer letter to Goldklang Cavanaugh.

The Board unanimously approved changing the KPWCA address to a post office box in the new post office located in Fairfax City. Dan Barney will provide the new mailing information so that it can be posted on the website. Mail sent to the current address will be forwarded, for a period, to the new post office box.

Armand Fournier made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by John Ostrom and approved.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.

The next KPWCA meeting is on October 6 at 7:30 P.M. in the Gold Cafeteria at Robinson High School.

Armand Fournier
