Monthly Meeting July 2004

July 7, 2004


Attending: Tom Coldwell, Bernie Shinal, Armand Fournier, and Joe Meyer

Not Present: Larry Velte, John Ostrom and Dan Barney

The July 2004 monthly meeting of the Board of Kings Park West Community Association was held on Wednesday, July 7, 2004 at 7:30 p.m. at Robinson High School.

A quorum was present and Tom Coldwell called the meeting to order.


It was unanimously agreed to dispense with the reading of the June 23, 2004 Meeting Minutes.

Bernie Shinal, Treasurer, presented a report on the financial status of the Community Association. The current bank balance is $11,629.98. KPWCA has reimbursed the KPW Civic Association $1,226 and paid the first legal invoice from Segan, Esquire for $2,185.00. We have not paid the down payment for the tree service that is contingent on receipt of proof of insurance and a firm completion date.

A discussion ensued regarding the requirement to have a Reserve Study as required by the Virginia Real Estate Board (DPOR). A statement regarding the reserve study is required for the HOA packets. The Board will conduct a survey of all capital improvements owned by the KPWCA, including paved paths, etc. KPWCA will review the survey plats to determine ownership of the concrete bridge that crosses the stream down by the Kings West swimming pool. The Board will investigate the requirements and how to proceed with preparing the reserve study. If a reserve amount is required, the Board can set aside some of the operating account for reserves. The reserve account is dedicated for capital improvements and cannot be used for normal operating expenses. Bernie Shinal will contact the DPOR regarding additional information regarding the reserve study.

KPWCA has received our Virginia certificate of incorporation, dated June 23, 2004.

KPWCA has a signed contract with RCS, including all of the conditions requested by the Board at no additional cost to the Community Association. RCS prepared an introductory letter to the Members regarding assessments. Moreover, RCS will send the notice of assessment (invoice) out on or about August 1. A letter from Larry Velte will accompany the invoice.

The Board discussed the forwarding the HOA packet information to RCS Management so they can proceed with finalizing the necessary paperwork. RCS management will be responsible for the HOA packet, with the exception of DCCR violations that will be provided by the Board. The Board will contact RCS to coordinate the HOA packet process.

The Board discussed the status of land maintenance, including an update on D&V Services (tree service). D&V plans to perform the tree cutting in August. No progress has been made on the Allenby step demolition, removal and landscaping. The Board will contact the Boy Scouts to see if they are interested in performing this community service; the Board decided to table the project until September. Tom Coldwell contacted Fairfax County regarding the chain link structure located adjacent to the stream on Commonwealth Blvd. Ownership of the structure is still under review.

The Board discussed the status of the various committees:

Bernie Shinal suggested that additional Board members be added to the KPWCA checking account. Larry Velte and Tom Coldwell will be added as signatories.

Armand Fournier made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Bernie Shinal and approved.

The meeting adjourned at 8:35.

The next KPWCA meeting is on August 4 at 7:30 P.M. at Robinson High School.

Armand Fournier
