Kings Park West Community Association
Annual Meeting
May 18, 2016
President Larry Velte called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
A quorum of the membership was present, with 12 members in attendance and 93 represented by proxy for a total of 105. Fifty-eight (58) are required for a quorum.
Larry Velte introduced the Board: Larry Velte, President; Mark Heppner, Vice President; Linda Fournier, Secretary; Jillian Mueller, at-large; and Jim Bovino, at-large. Maureen Pettis, Treasurer, was not present. He also introduced a representative of our management company, Burke Community Management Group.
State of the Community Association:
Treasurer’s Report: Mark reviewed the proposed budget that was included in the mailing announcing the annual meeting. The Board decided to keep the annual assessment at $40, based on last year’s budget and projections for the fiscal year. The Board will vote on the final budget at the next meeting.
Election of Board Members – A third of the Board is elected every year. The bylaws require a nominating committee to produce a slate but that does not preclude floor nominations. This year, three positions were up for renewal. There were no nominations from the floor, and Mark Heppner and Larry Velte agreed to serve additional terms. Attendee Nancy Grant offered her name as a candidate to fill the third positions. All three candidates were elected by acclamation. In addition, one Board member had earlier resigned, leaving a vacancy. Under the by-laws, the remaining Board members appoint a person to complete the remainder of the term, which ends in 2017. There were no volunteers to fill this vacancy, so the Board will take action in accordance with the by-laws. Board members will elect Officers at their next meeting.
Robinson All-Night Graduation Party – The Board received a solicitation to donate to the Robinson Secondary All-Night Graduation Party. This was presented to the membership, and receiving no motion by any members, no vote was presented.
Open Discussion – A member reported that Robinson Secondary students cut through and at times gather on the common property behind the member’s home to engage in inappropriate behavior. The Board recommended that the member contact Fairfax County Police, as well as notify the HOA when this occurs.
The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.