Kings Park West Community Association
Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
July 8, 2015
Members in Attendance: Larry Velte, Mark Heppner, Linda Fournier, Maureen Pettis,
Jillian Mueller, and Jim Bovino
called to order:
7:38 p.m.
of June Meeting Minutes: Approved 6–0
Report: Checking
account balance is $13,336.95; accounts receivable balance is $1,552.76; two general
fund CD’s in the amount of $5,337.71 and $5,334.32; and reserve study CD is $17,582.13,
bringing the total to: $43,143.87.
- Encroachment
Letters – Four
completed for signature and mailing. Remaining letters to be provided at
next month’s meeting.
- Architectural
Control Issue – The
Board will send letters to two homeowners who built an addition without
seeking approval and another who built a fence without approval.
- Final
Notice Letters – Positive results; seven overdue assessments were paid
- Tree
Actions – The
Board will obtain quotes to have damaged trees removed
- Member
Requested Board Approval – A member asked for approval to build a
cement wall behind his house. The board voted 6-0 to disapprove the
- Member
Requested Board Assistance – A member asked the Board for assistance in
helping them defray the high deductible costs associated with repairing
their home from a fallen tree. The Board will send a letter explaining
why the Board cannot help with such matters.
- 2015-2016
Board Meeting Schedule – The Board will keep the same meeting schedule,
the second Wednesday of each month.
no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.